If you're looking for the perfect stocking stuffer, you might want to check out the Stuffed Stocking Artisan Market coming up in mid-November at the Shamrock Centre, hosted by the Shekinah Ladies' Group from the Killarney Mennonite Church.  Money raised from the sale goes back into the community.

"This year we haven't decided where to put the funds," explains committee member, Naomi Klassen. "We typically decide that after we've got all of our bills paid and then we've got a sum of money to disperse."

The group's mission is to give back in some way, to see where there are needs and do their best to help out, this being a reflection of the group's name, Shekinah Ladies' Group, which means, 'God's manifested glory - the divine dwelling of God'

"But in the past, we have given money to the Killarney Collegiate Opportunity Fund and the Lakeside Christian School Opportunity Fund, which gives kids or families who are not able to afford a field trip or school outing that they could go on in the school year. So, that fund just helps kids to be able to participate. We've also given to the Canadian Cancer Society Travel Program, the local Habitat for Humanity, Lakeside Regional Library, the Food Pantry, and Turtle Mountain Bible Camp."

"So those are some of the ones where we've dispersed money to over the past years, and as far as this year goes, we will decide that as soon as this sale is over," adds Klassen. 

Klassen notes there is still room for more vendors to participate.  Email Naomi Klassen at stuffedstockingsale@gmail.com    

Stuffed Stocking Artisan Market

DATE:  Saturday, November 12, 2022

WHEN: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

WHERE:  Shamrock Centre, Killarney

ADMISSION: $4 at the door and there will be a cost for the hot lunch as well.