It was this past Saturday the Falcon Lake Winter Fish Off took place. Over 1,500 entered from all across Manitoba and beyond. Over 3,000 holes were drilled, and the big winner? Frank Banman from Winkler! His winning catch came in at 6.3 pounds.

And when we say "big" we mean "big"! He won $10,000 for the fish he caught. That's pretty good for one day of fishing.

Morning Show host Corny Rempel from CFAM Radio 950 sister station Mix 96 in Steinbach was at the fishing derby with his brother, who by the way finished 12th, and he caught up to Frank after his win and asked how it feels to have a pile of cash like that to take home.



Frank Banman of Winkler, $10,000 richer thanks to the fish that DIDN'T get away at the Falcon Lake Winter Fish Off. He held on to that one, and we're sure he's still excited about the big win!