4-H leaders are busy with projects for 2023 and the Manitoba 4-H Council wants to add a new item to the 4-H calendar year, a 4-H rally in Brandon.

Recently the only remaining area rally is the Boissevain 4-H Rally that has been around for more than 100 years.

Shannon Carvey is executive director with the Manitoba 4-H Council, and she says many of today’s members don’t even know what a rally is in the 4-H program. “We will host a rally this coming May. Many former 4-Her’s will know what a rally is and it’s an event that hasn’t been held for several years outside the Boissevain Rally.”

Carvey is excited to put a rally together and says the plans were put on hold because of the pandemic but she’s excited it’s coming together for 2023.

Fund raising for the 4-H program will help support several programs.

“It’s great to see the folks in Boissevain continuing with their rally for the Southwest area and the rally planned for Brandon will be very similar. Our rally at the Keystone Centre in Brandon will include several workshops dealing with beef, small animals and crafts and anything in between.”

“The rally in Brandon will be open to every 4-H member in the province and is set for Saturday, May 13,” said Shannon Carvey.