What a find!! Flowering Cabbage certainly makes for a beautiful bouquet. Hard to believe that's CABBAGE!!! A perfect arrangement for a fall table.

Can you EAT it? Well -- they are in the same specieis (Brassica oleracea) as edible cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower and yes -- you CAN eat them but they say that they tend to have a bitter flavor and are often used in a culinary setting as garnishes.

Google tells us that it's considered an annual but actually it's a biennial -- because it produces foliage the first year and flowers the second year.

The Illinois Times says that they love the cooler temperatures and are perfect for adding a pop of color to the garden when all the other plants are getting a little... well... "tired" looking. The leaves grow in a tight rosette and can be curly, ruffled or featherlike, I'd say... and the colors can range anywhere from brightly colored red, pink, purple, green, yellow-green to a creamy white.

The colors really begin to show with frost and cold temperatures... and it usually takes a few weeks of cool temperatures before the leaves reach their best color. We've certainly got some cool temperatures on the way tonight!! I suppose now there's a good reason for it!!