Samaritan House Ministries in Brandon is gearing up for the Fall season, and then Christmas is right around the corner, and the needs continue to increase as the days get cooler.

Executive Director, Barbara McNish, says there are a number of different ways folks help them out now in the Fall season; through food drives, through bringing fresh produce from their gardens, and from special initiatives that they've thought up themselves, such as the Advent season of giving.

"Some people collect 1 tin of soup a day for 30 days, and then bring in those 30 tins into the food bank," she explains, "or maybe they'll collect a toothbrush a day, so they bring 30 toothbrushes in, you know, that kind of Advent preparation before the holiday season."

McNish says the entire Westman area is a very giving community as a whole, and there are a lot of needs in each of the communities and in so many different ways.

"I hear it on the news about someone supporting a charity, or doing a fundraiser for cancer, or Westman Dreams for Kids, there are just so many needs," she shares. "We all have a heart and an idea of where we want to put our time and effort and money into, and so we're just thankful that people are continuing to do so when there are so many needs that need to be met!"

McNish encourages everyone to watch for local food drives that support their local food banks as we enter the Fall season. "If you're in Boissevain, or you're in Killarney, or you're in Ninette, wherever you are, and someone is doing a local food drive, and it supports your foodbank, or it supports Samaritan House, please think about helping to feed those who are in need.  We do appreciate your support."

"Again," she adds. "I cannot thank the Brandon community and the surrounding area enough for their support," she says, "because we couldn't do this without the support from our donors, whether they actually bring a food donation in, or a monetary donation, or even come to volunteer.  We just appreciate everything that people do!"