Popular Atheism some times feels like it is everywhere these days, whether it be online, on the air, or in print. With that in mind, well known author Dr. Andy Bannister has written a new book titled The Atheist Who Didn't Exist.

The book looks at atheism, and when one pokes at today's popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel.

Using humour, serious thought and scripture, Andy helps us question everything... which he stresses is okay.

Throughout the Morning Show Friday we learned about lazy skepticism, bad arguments, and how Andy is totally fine with atheists, but asks they be well thought out ones.

We continued the conversation with the consequences of these bad arguments.

And finally we delvied into the role social media plays in the advancement of popular atheism.

You can learn more about Dr. Andy Bannister and his latest book The Atheist Who Didn't Exist by clicking here.