It’s the opportunity to recognize our neighbours and friends who, perhaps for years, have been having a tremendous impact on our community. Golden West is proud to announce its continued partnership with the Our Manitoba Heroes program, which is looking for you to nominate a hero in your hometown before the end of May!

The organization is entering its seventh year of recognizing those at the grassroots making a real difference. Our Manitoba Heroes has had tremendous success finding those people inside Winnipeg.

Chairperson Paul Bennett tells us they want to expand their scope outside the Perimeter, and would really like to hear about all of the amazing neighbours across Southern Manitoba who are also doing great things... hence Golden West’s partnership with Our Manitoba Heroes whose goal is to put a spotlight on Compassion In Action.



Paul also took some time to talk to Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner about the beginnings of Our Manitoba Heroes.



The group really wants to recognize individuals outside Winnipeg, across Southern Manitoba, making a difference, and you can nominate that person right now at the Our Manitoba Heroes website. The nomination deadline is May 31st, so take the 5 minutes and nominate your neighbour today.