It's that time of the year when people are encouraged to be generous and think of others less fortunate.


The Christmas Cheer program is underway in many communities.

Jim Dickinson heads up the committee running the program in Boissevain. He says Christmas Cheer collection tins were set up at sotres this week.


Dickinson says those tins bring in about $350 dollars each year for the program. That money is used to help purchase items for the food hampers.

Dickinson says items will be collected until around December 11th. Hampers will be packed and recipients can pick up their hampers on December 17th. Last year 33 hampers of food and gifts went out into the community.



CJRB Radio 1220 is collecting gifts to pass onto the local Christmas Cheer program. People can drop off an unwrapped gift at CJRB and their name will be entered into a draw.