After a 2-week closure due to positive COVID test results in Killarney School, classes have resumed once again as of this morning.

Principal, Terry Beazley, says it was a welcome relief to get the notice from Public Health that they could open the school to their students again.  “There haven’t been any further cases associated with the school for a few days now so they’ve declared that we’re good to hold classes for everybody starting [today], May 31st.”

“I think the overwhelming feeling of staff and students is a great relief and we’re hoping that we’ll be able to keep everybody for the rest of the school year,” he adds.

Of the multiple cases, Beazley notes there were both positive test results as well as contact exposure that prompted the shutdown of the school.

“There were a few cases that were associated with one class and a couple of other cases that weren’t connected to that group, and from what I’ve gathered from Public Health is that they haven’t really put a finger on the original source of all of that.”

Beazley shares how the pandemic has taken it toll on staff and students over, now for the second school year.