If you've been enjoying the wealth of local history shared through the Vantage Points book series, you'll be thrilled to know Book 6 is being worked on as we speak!

The Turtle Mountain Souris Plains Heritage Association (TMSPHA) has received an incredible response from local residents and visitors, learning about the rich history of the southwest corner of our province.

A couple of years ago, committee member, David Neufeld, came up with the idea of gifting Vantage Points books 1-4 to every family in their catchment area through the school system.  And so, the oldest student in all of these families received the 4-book set on behalf of their family. Classroom teachers also received their own set books 1-5.

Last year, Killarney-Turtle Mountain joined the TMSPHA family and now the two schools in Killarney will be receiving books to pass on to their students and their families to receive their own personal set of Vantage Points books.

TMSPHA Board Chair, Jan McClelland, says they're very excited to be sharing the book sets with the families of Killarney-Turtle Mountain.

"For me, it builds what I like to say, 'a pride in place', and I mean that as in the place we grow up in, because so many of us did not have local history, knowledge of local history. You might know this odd thing or that odd thing, but when you take it and put it all together, the stories here from Killarney-Turtle Mountain to the Saskatchewan border, from the US border north, the stories are endless," she shares.

McClelland says gifting the books out to families this way has generated excitement, "not just for the kids, but also for their parents and they're learning a lot too!"

Please listen to more with Jan McClelland below!  You'll be inspired to purchase your own Vantage Points book series or find your own set and begin perusing through the pages once again!