Deloraine-Winchester will be the hotspot for business-owners and potential business starters or buyers this coming February as they will be hosting the Southwest Business & Entrepreneur Expo. 

“The Southwest Business Expo is going to be a really exciting event here and we’re honored to be the host community this year,” says Economic Development Officer Glenn Schellenberg. 

“Last year was my first exposure to it and I really can’t emphasize what an opportunity this is for local entrepreneurs, for local businesses that are just starting out or just thinking about starting out.”  

“And to have this opportunity here, and in this entire region, is really quite amazing, so we’re very happy to be the host community.” 

Schellenberg says they’re preparing for a full trade show, a full slate of keynote speakers, as well as breakout sessions. 

A highlight each year is the ‘dragon’s den’ type business pitch to win significant prize money.  “We have over $10,000 in prize awards already scheduled in a variety of categories and a variety of resources.” 

The SW Business Expo draws municipal economic leaders and business owners and entrepreneurs from across the entire Westman Region. 

“We’ve got a very strong regional network of municipalities that always joins together in this kind of a unified effort,” shares Schellenberg. 

Please listen to more on the SW Business Expo with Glenn Schellenberg below! 


Visit the SW Business Expo website by clicking HERE