Marpeck Commons at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg is an impressive building, that simply wouldn't be without the generosity of dozens of donors from across the province and beyond.

To recognize the generosity of these people, CMU commissioned a donor recognition wall be created. The piece was unveiled during CMU's annual Fall Festival to rave reviews.

The artists behind the piece, Ray Dirks and Rick Finney, joined us Tuesday on the Morning Show. To set the stage Rick talked about his area of expertise related to the project.

So what does the piece look like? The glass features an etching of a tree made up of phrases from CMU’s mission statement. The lower portions of the piece feature a laser cutting of the names of donors who contributed to the project, with room to add the names of future donors.

Ray discussed the concept with us.

And did we mention the piece is massive, taking up a considerable amount of wall space inside Marpeck Commons?

Marpeck Commons is a wonderful addition to the campus of C-M-U in Winnipeg, and its grand scale and design are befitting of a grand donor recognition wall.