Grade 12 student Tyler Dyck and his glow in the dark ping pong

Boissevain School was a busy place on May 9th.
The bi-annual Connections Fair was held. The fair allows students to come up with their own idea. They have to make use of two school courses for marking purposes.
Principal Brad White says the fair remains popular with students, staff and the community.

Willow Dyck and her Canoe

Willow is a grade 11 student in Boissevain. She has a passion for the outdoors and decided to fix her grandfathers century old canoe. She says the Connections Fair gives students a chance to determine their own work and it is something most student's really embrace. Dyck hopes to have the canoe ready for the water this summer.

Kelly Wright is a fourth generation auctioneer. His display featured the family history with auctioneering. He also used the Connections Fair as a chance to generate funds for graduation. Kelly sold off several baking items and raised several hundred dollars for the grad fund.