It was the perfect day for the Boissevain-Morton-Whitewater (BMW) Foodgrains Harvest on Monday, with the blue skies and a gentle breeze, with friends and neighbors and supporters of the BMW Grow Project heading out to the Fairfax field for a chicken lunch before the combines got rolling!

With about a dozen combines and close to that many trucks and grain carts, committee member and crop agronomist, Mitchel Bohrn, was very pleased with the day.

"We weren't really sure what to expect today because everyone is still combining, so we didn't think we'd have that big of a turn-out but it's a really big turn-out today.  I think this is as much as we've ever seen," shares Bohrn. "It's just a beautiful day and a beautiful crop, and very excited for the day!"

Bohrn says the 300 acres of wheat looked very good as the crop was coming off and keeping the trucks busy most of the afternoon.

Fellow committee member, Audrey Pashke, says she loves seeing the Foodgrains harvest day come together, as this is a true celebration of community working together. 

"This actually gets me right in the field every single year," she says. "I am always humbled by this day, there are so many people coming out with their machines, and with their hearts!  It's just amazing!"

Bohrn agrees. "It's always good to see the community come together, in one day we can all be on the same team!"

Pashke reminds BMW followers the committee is always willing to accept donations all year round, to contribute to this year's grow project, or to keep their eyes on next year's project - and of course it will be held at the same field they've grown the BMW crops for over 15 years - just southwest of Fairfax with landowner, Del Fraser, at the helm!  

Committee members Mitch Bohrn, Audrey Pashke, Ed Dyck, Darren Peters, Ben Martens and Jill Tripp thank everyone for coming out to share their harvest day together.

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