A 4-H leader from Gladstone has been selected as the Volunteer of the Year. 

Shelley Bjarnarson has been a member and leader of the Neepawa and Area Beef Club. She was recently named Volunteer of the Year by the Manitoba 4-H Council. “I was a member of the Neepawa Beef Club between the ages of nine and 18 and then I went away to college.” 

When Bjarnarson returned from college she wanted to get involved with 4-H so she got in contact with a former 4-H member, and he was also in the Neepawa area. “So, we started co-leading the beef club and I haven’t stopped since” said Bjarnarson. 

‘I love what 4-H has to offer the member. It teaches them how to run meetings, make speeches and make them better community people. It provides area youth with so many opportunities like trips, awards and bursaries.” 

Shelley Bjarnarson says 4-H numbers always seem to come and go and right now she says the beef club is doing great when it comes to 4-H members.  

“We have nine new members this year and 19 members total.” 


“Being recognized with this award is exciting but I have to say I do this job without seeking recognition. I do it because I love it. It’s nice to see others realizing the work people put into the 4-H program.