As February comes to an end snowmobilers are hoping to get another two or three weeks to ride their machines.

This past winter has produced enough sow to keep trails groomed and snowmobile riders out doing what they love to do during the winter months.

The Tri Lake Trail Busters Snowmobile Club maintains 450 kilometers of trail system between Wawanesa, Glenboro, Baldur, Glenora, Belmont, Ninette and Killarney.


President Allan Sampson says the trails have been busy this winter. “There’s been lots of traffic especially when the sun was shining, and the temperatures were warmer. It was nice to see people out enjoying it.”

“The trails aren’t too bad but some of the hill tops and the odd worked field has a little bit of dirt showing through and we could use a little bit of snow, but overall things are pretty good.”

Sampson says the wind has also been an issue as it blows away a lot of the fresh snow that hits the ground.

“We try to get around out entire trail system once a week and so far knock on wood everything is running good.” said Sampson.


He hopes they can ride the trails into at least the third week of March.