A New Pregnancy Crisis Maternity Home will be opening next month near Crystal City, due to the vision of Killarney dentist, Dr. Kevin Mark and Winnipeg Chaplain, Scott Miller.

Both men are Directors of Hope Now Family Concepts, an organization that has been inspired through people who share the same vision of helping women who are in pregnancy crisis and are in need of supports and direction. Doctor Mark says the project began a year ago and has been inspired through people who share the same vision, of having faith-based supports in place, as well as offering programs that enable success in a woman’s future, in every way.

Last month, both Dr. Mark and Scott Miller travelled to Toronto to visit similar pregnancy crisis homes, to get a better picture of the various supports that can be made available. They recognized significant results in how women’s lives and futures were changed having been in the program, but they also saw the need for more homes like this.

With running a home of this nature there are numerous opportunities for volunteer help. Doctor Mark shares that as they extend support to women in a crisis situation, the home also needs the support of the community in various different ways, from grounds maintenance to administration, as well as the constant support financially that is always necessary to manage a facility this size.

For more information on the Hope Now Family Concepts Pregnancy Crisis Maternity Home, visit their website at hopenowfamilyconcepts.org. You may also call 204-268-4329 to speak with house parents, Don and Dianna Freeman, to help with specific needs or to register for the program.