About 400 new families in Manitoba have chosen to home school their children in the past year.

Gerald Huebner of the Manitoba Association of Christian Home Schools was in Altona this week talking with local families about the home school option.

Huebner explained why many parents still don't home school their children.

"I think all people feel whether our children are in a school classroom or at home, we are always concerned how they are doing compared to others.  That comparison is one that all parents feel somewhat intimidated by.  When you have it all fall on your shoulders as the educator it just means that it's that much more concentrated.  The opportunity to direct and to control that yourself is even more real and even more potential."

Huebner noted home education is currently legal in all 10 Canadian provinces; adding the regulations vary in each region.

He shared about the challenges that come from a home education.

"There are challenges that come about largely when people are questioning some of the motivations and curriculum and things that surround home education," said Huebner.  "It tends to be more based on some of the faith challenges where people are saying 'I don't like what you are teaching' in terms of the faith you are imparting. That is a challenge we face in many parts of society, not just in education."

Huebner stated more parents are home schooling their children because they realize the opportunity they have to influence their children directly; not because they dislike the public education system.

He added when home schooling, socialization is often a concern for families.

Currently in Manitoba, there are about 3,480 students that are currently being home schooled.