This the weekend when people need to change their clocks but also replace batteries in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

Brandon Fire & Emergency Services would like to remind the public when you set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday, November 4th, REMEMBER to also change the batteries in your home’s smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detector.

“We encourage people to replace their batteries because working smoke alarms do save lives” said Heather Penner with Brandon Fire and Emergency Services.”

Penner adds they teach this to the children in school and they hope the kids take the message home and actually do change the batteries but there is no way for sure of us telling whether or not people do what they should.”

Smoke alarms are your early warning and Penner adds it is important to make sure those alarms are in working order.”Carbon monoxide detectors are quite often plugged into an electrical outlet but they also have a battery back up in case of a power outage so it is important to check and change the batteries in both.”