The Council of the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton has scheduled a public hearing to share a presentation on the Special Survey Levy.

The purpose of this special service levy is to minimize the tax impact to rural ratepayers as they transition to a single mill rate.  

'Charing properties in a fair manner for these services is of utmost importance to Council,' states their hearing notice.

The Council will present the following special service proposal at the May 16th public hearing in the Council Chamber at 7:00 pm:

  1. For policing, fire, EMO protection, for all residential, commercial and institutional properties within the Municipality of Boissevian-Morton;
  2. For garbage collection, for all residential, commercial and institutional properties within the urban community of Boissevain;
  3. For street construction & maintenance, streetlights, animal control, tree management and beautification for all residential, commercial and institutional properties with the urban community of Boissevain;

Copies of the special service proposal are available a the Municipal Office, 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, and online at