The municipality of Boissevain-Morton is looking ahead for positive expansion within their industrial realm.

Mayor Judy Swanson says it's been a busy time and there are many things taking place in the background, "and if a couple of them come to fruition it would be absolutely fabulous!"

"It's an exciting time," she adds. "Boissevain-Morton is growing."

Housing and healthcare are two of their priorities this year, and in that economic development plays a major role.

"To address the housing situation, we have some things in the works. So, hopefully we can come up with some housing solutions, rental housing for this municipality.  But it's not there yet."

"We are very fortunate to have several industries in our community," explains Swanson, "and those industries, a lot of them have been here a long time and we kind of take them for granted.  We don't realize how much Western Archrib, Goodon Industries, and even the Co-op, they're all big business in our area.  So, those kinds of people, when they expand it's a good thing for us."

"It brings people in. It brings more jobs to our community and my understanding is all of the bigger players in our area are all in the midst of expanding," she notes. "When that happens it really boosts the economy in our area."

"So, that's why housing became a priority for us. We want to be able to say, 'We have the jobs. We have the housing. We're ready!  Boissevain is open to business!'"